Wait, How Much? An In-depth Discussion on the Hidden Costs and Actual TCO of LLMs to Your Business

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Generative AI represents not only the potential for unparalleled business opportunities, but also significant unknowns and business risks, including the possibility of spiraling running and variable costs, especially at enterprise scale. That can be difficult to monitor and forecast, especially given that 57% of F1000 C-Level respondents to a recent ClearML/AIIA survey reported that their board expects a double-digit increase in revenue from AI/ML investments in the coming fiscal year (with an additional 37% reporting the expectation of a single-digit increase)!
Navigating the uncharted territory of hidden operating costs related to Generative AI may feel unfamiliar and unpredictable – but to balance investment with expected outcomes, it is essential to develop an effective, strategic approach to calculating, forecasting, and containing these costs tailored to your organization and its unique use cases.
Watch our expert panel discuss the hidden costs and unforeseen “gotchas” that can unravel the expected ROI and TCO related to the different ways to adopt GenAI and LLMs in your organization – while comparing the pros and cons of AI-as-a-Service, such as building your own or using low-code, secure Generative AI platforms.

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Our panel will discuss, contrast, and compare key cost considerations such as the token calculations, cost of various use cases per organizational number of users, and the human capital required. Attendees will learn:

  • The multitude of factors that contribute to running costs when using AI-as-a-Service
  • How to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their LLMs
  • Ways to reduce GPU cost, optimize performance, and enhance efficiency & ROI
  • Recommendations for rolling out Generative AI within your enterprise and controlling TCO

One thing is for sure: embracing this new world of LLMs in a cost-effective and efficient way can create a sustainable and predictable competitive advantage. Are you ready?